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Let it be.

Let it be.





"Self-introduction"   October 7, 2001 (8yr. 0mo)

My name is *******. I'm eight years old. My birthday is September twenty-sixth. I live in ******. I like to eat french fries and chken nuggets. And my favoritet sport is socker. My house is in the north. I like to stady math, abacus and geograpphy.



" Water Vapor"    October 19, 2001  (8yr. 0mo.)

The rain is falling to the ground. When it is sunny like today, the droplets go up. That makes the cloud. When it's cold the droplets change to the ice. Because it is freezing cold. Instead snow falls to the ground.

"Learn at Home" というホームスクール教材で、いっぱい水の循環のことを学んだので、これを書きたかったそうだ。


"Imaginary Story"    October 26, 2001 (8yr. 1mo.)

I was a balloon. Someone was holding me, and he let go the balloon. I went up to the sky. Then i went down to the earth. Then it stopped. Then I was frightened, but the ant caught the balloon. Then the ant took it home.

自分のことが "it" になったり、"I" になったりバラバラだったね。


"A letter to Santa"   November 9, 2001  (8yr. 1mo.)

Dear Santa: Hello. Im fine nice to meat you. my name is *****. I want a Doriuemon comic books of the rest of them. I like to read books. Becuse I like books. I like curismus. On the curismas tree there are bells, stars. It is buitifull. It starts at nigth. This is going to be a good curismus day forever. from ***** in love.

この日はサンタさんへのお手紙を書きました。punctuation がなっていないし、誤字脱字だらけで大笑い!! "meet" が「お肉」になっているし、「ドラえもん」が「ドリうえもん」になっているし、一番笑えたのが最後のとこ。"with love" でなくて "in love"(恋愛中)だものね!!(笑)


"Bones"   November 16, 2001  (8yr. 1mo.)

There are 27 bones in the face and 14 muscles to make a funny face. Rabbits, ants and lizards have bones to joint. If you don't have bones, you can't even move.

「マジックスクールバス」のビデオにはまっていて、ちょうど「骨」のとこを見た後でこれを書き出した。先生には    のとこを?付きで返されました。


"Diary"   November 24, 2001  (8yr. 1mo.)

Yesterday I went to Grandma's house and I ate with everyone. And my father came back at 5:00 and I ate dinner with my family. It was so yummy and I did the homework at night. And we took a bath very late. And I did "Pal Kids Talking Trainer". And I slept at 10:00.



"Dinosaurs"    November 30, 2001  (8yr. 2mo.)

Dinosuars came about 100 million years ago. Pterosaun is not a dinosaur but a flying thing. It could reach over 20 feet. And tyrannosaur means "king". And in 1841 they changed to fossil. And dinosaurs were very tall. There were over 800 kind of dinosaurs.



"Christmas"   December 7, 2001  (8yr. 2mo.)

In Christmas, you have a cristmas tree. And when you are sleeping Santa will give you a present. And Christmas is jesus Chries's birthday. And you sing lot's of Christmas songs. And Christmas is in Decembre 25th. And there are 12 days of Christmas. You put a reaf (wreathのことだそうだ) out side. And some who helps Santa thats very small people is elves. And there are 9 rain dears. And Santa rides in a sled. When you wake up, you are going to be surprise'ed.

何度も "And" が出てくるのがなんかおかしいし、綴りもいっぱい違っている。でも一番笑えたのは "reindeer" が "rain dears" となっていたことと、サンタさんが乗っているのが "sled" と書いてあったこと。"sled" だと小さ過ぎちゃうよね!! 


"Digestion"   December 14, 2001  (8yr. 2mo.)

When you eat food, you chew with you(r) teeth. Then it's going down. In you(r) stomach the food is mixed. Then it's going to a small intestine. And it's very long to the large intestine. In side the large intestine there is poo-poo. In side the bottom you make poo-poo. The large intestine is about 7cm in width.



"Rudolph"   December 21, 2001  (8yr. 2mo.)

On Christmas Eve an elv didn't want to help Santa claus since he wanted to be a dentist. He was holding the dentist book. Then he was reading it. The next day Santa claus said christmas was cancelled. There was a snow monster. After the snow monster died some elves took snow monster's teeth. Cristmas was not cancelled. Rudolph's mother and father were waiting for rudolph to come back.

YMCAのレッスンで "Rudolph" というビデオを見て、"Rudolph" について書いてくるのが冬休みの宿題。私はそのビデオを半分しか見ていないのでわからないが、こんなストーリーだったのかな?


"Planets"   December 28, 2001  (8yr. 3mo.)

There are 9 planets. The name is earth, mars, muqury, sater, urnece, nepchun, pluto, jupiter and venus. Pluto is very cold and dark. You can see the star on Pluto. In the muqury, they have red spot's. The earth is not too hot, not too cold, either. It is the third closeset to the sun. In jupiter, there are some thing that look like a ring. It is very cold.

この後いっぱい直しました。なんかこれだけ読んでいるとどんな名前の惑星だかもわからなくなってきちゃう。正しくは Earth(地球)、Mars(火星)、Mercury(水星)、Saturn(土星)、Uranus(天王星)、Neptune(海王星)、Pluto(冥王星)、Jupiter(木星)、Venus(金星)。これも「マジックスクールバス」のビデオの影響で書いたものです。


"Winter Vacation"   January 7, 2002  (8yr. 3mo.)

This winter vacation was fun. It had 16 days. On december 25th, mommy and I went to Sakae for english party. Janirary 1st, we went to harry Potter movie. It was crouded because it is very popiler. In the janirary 3rd it snowed a lot. So we played in the park for 4 hours. Janyrary 6th was the last day of winter Vacation. We went shoping at diey(ダイエーのこと) and yuny(ユニーのこと).



"Seeds"    January 12, 2002 (8yr. 3mo.)

When you grow plants, you need soil, water, sunlight, and time. There is lots of polien (pollenのこと) in nexter (nectarのこと) in the flowers. Acorn is made in oke (oakのこと) tree. Sunflower grows untle (untilのこと) 8 ft. That is 2.5 m. When you blow the dandelion, it flys up into the air, so after takeing pikcher (pictureのこと), you can make magazine. Then you are faimas (famousのこと). Sunflowers seeds are black and wilte (whiteのこと).

いっぱい注釈を付けないとわかんないくらい。これも「マジックスクールバス」の "Goes To Seed" を見た後で百科辞典を読んで、きちんと頭に入れてから書き始めたものです。


"The project we worked on"   January 18, 2002 (8yr. 3mo.)

On the january 12th mommy, me, T(次男) and L(三男) worked on a project. We made a model of ourself. Then we colored things thats in our body. Then we cut off the paper. At last, we paist(pasted) on the model. It was lot of fun. Then at the evening, we showed to daddy. January 13th every one made a skeleton.



"The Experiment we worked on"   January 26, 2002 (8yr. 4mo.)

Today we did the experiment. first everyone do the first experment. First we put hot water for 5 miutes. Next we pour 3/4 hot water. Then we put ice on top. At last we wait for a few minute. But we didn't see the cloud. Next we did the second experment. We blow the ballon. Then put the air away. Then put the ballon on the bottle. Put on a hot water. The air rised. The last expermet, we put the bottle on the cold water. the ballon got very small. Then the ballon falled.



"L(三男)'s Birthday Party"   February 2, 2002  (8yr. 4mo.) 

On january 27'th, everyone did the birthday party for L. It was L's 5 years old birthday  We had the party at night. We sang the happy birthday song for L. Then we are lots of foods. Then we ate the cake. Everyone had the normal cake because L hate's chocolate. It had lots of wipt (wippedのこと) cream and strawberrys. At last, everyone open the present for L. Inside, there was digimon dalls. L like it very much. He is interested in digimon.



"Setsubun"   February 9, 2002 (8yr. 4mo.)

"Setsubun" - bean throwing - was a lot of fun. We put lots of dirty beans (なんでdirtyなの??). Then we went outside to throw beans. When the beans was gone, we picked up and threw again. The father helped puting away the beans. At last we ate beans. I ate eight beans. T(次男)ate six beans. L(三男)ate five beans. It was very yummy. It was the best setsubun.

何故か汚ない豆(笑)を一体どこに入れたのか? 後で "in the paper boxes" を付け加えさせました。(長男が豆撒きの為に折り紙で小さな箱を3つ作ってくれました。)


"Animals In Winter"  February 15, 2002  (8yr. 4mo.)

When it's very cold some bird go to south. The woodchuck has a room for it's bed and toilet. When it get in to the hole (本当は tunnel), it has to get very narrow because it is very fat.(なんか間違って覚えています。) The woodchuck can sleep for 4 month. The beaver (本当はsquirrel)hunts for aconrs and nuts. and when it's winter, the beaver (squirrel の間違い)forgets where the aconrs and nuts are. Some animals hunts for food all winter. When it's night, the bats go's to the cave. It has (They eat だね)no foods. It keep on sleeping without wakeing up.

間違いや思い違いだらけでちょっと読みにくいね。(?_?; 今回はママがしっかり直して提出しました。


"The New Computer"  February 23, 2002 (8yr. 4mo.)

The new computer came on February 20th. It was the computer I haven't saw. Everyone like it very much. It had lots of games. But first, my mother have to send e mail. On February 21th, we playd a game. father broke mother's record. Mother was the second. Father got 158400 points. Mother got 132000 points. I only got 33200 points. We enjoy the game. It was great

時制の間違いと三人称単数の間違いが多かったね。日付は全部 "th" が付くと思っているのね。話す時はちゃんと言えるのにね。


"Sleding"  March 1, 2002 (8yr. 5mo.)

On February 24th, we went to Meiho for sleding. We sled a lot of time. That the last year (本当は "time" と書きたかったのね)for sleding. Next year we are going skying("skiing"の間違い). But first, we ate lunch at the house.(本当は家ではなくてドライブインで食べた) We ate a lot of fish. We ate rice ball too. That was very yummy. There werer lot's of tunnel because we went to the express highway. I didn't count.

前後の意味を全く無視して "But" とか入れちゃうのは、癖なのかしら?
 今回も三人称単数の "s" や複数の "s" はいっぱい忘れてあったね。


"Girl's Festival"  March 8, 2002  (8yr. 5mo.)

When it was girls festival, we went to Ohgaki. My father didn't come because he was busy. We went by car. It was very far from my house. It took about two hours we stoped at the shrine(法事だったから本当は temple). The grandfather(おじいちゃん??と思って聞いたら、お坊さん monk でした)was reading a book.(お経の本のことなのね) He was reading lots of books. I was tired so I read a book. When it was finished, we went outside. We drived to the restrant. We ate lots of fishs. The young girl(ハトコのこと) was there. After we ate fishs, we feed the fish. (これじゃあ、さっき食べた魚に餌をやったみたい!) I like to feed the fish. We came back home very late.



"My Bulletin board"  March 16, 2002 (8yr. 5mo.)

I have a new bulletin board. Because I can type very well. You have to make a message. I am makeing lots of friend. I put my nike name (nick nameのこと) because, everyone is going to know my name. My Mother has a bulletin board too. The title of the bulloten board, I put English Is Great. I used a bulletin board from march nineth.

未だに動詞の最後が "e" で終わるものにも "ing" を付ける時に "e" を取らずにそのままくっ付けてしまう。タイプのことは、"very well" とは言えないんだけれどなぁ。(笑)


"Mom Gets Angry"  March 23, 2002 (8yr. 5mo.)

Mom gets angry when I spill foods. And mom gets cross when I don't listen to my mom. And mom gets cross when I complain a lot. And mom gets cross when I tell a lie. And mom gets cross when I do something dangerous. And mom gets cross when I don't share something. And mom gets cross when I don't help someone. So I have to do something I have to do. Like I will try not to spill foods. And I'll try not to make a mess. And I'll try not to tell a lie. And I'll try to write neatly. And I'll try not to lose things.

たまたまORTのワークブックで "Mom gets cross" というタイトルで作文しましょうというのをやった後だったので、それをジャーナルに書こうということになった。こうやって書くと、ママは本当に怒ってばかりだね。(笑) それにしても "And" が一体いくつ出てきたの?


"Monster's Inc"   April 13, 2002 (8yr. 5mo.)

I saw the movie of monster's inc. on April 7th. There was someone who liked Mike called Seria. And there was a point. You have to scream the children so you can get points. Sullivan was the 1st. He got 100,020 points. Randol was the 2nd. He got 99,857 points. There was a girl called Boo. Then Sullivan was doing hide and seek with Boo. Then the time was 11:55. And when its pass 12 o'clock, inside the door is empty. Because the short hand and the long hand were up. And when the short hand and the long hand goes down, inside the door is empty. And Mike haven't found the key.

映画を見た人なら、これを読んで何となくわかるけれど、そうじゃなかったら一体何のことだかサッパリわかんないよね。使役の "make" を話し言葉にはちゃんと入れるのに、書く時は忘れちゃったのね。時制が過去形になったり、現在形になったり、現在完了形になったりしているので、読んでいると訳わかんなくなっちゃうね。あと、タイトルは "Monster's Inc" じゃなくて、"Monsters, Inc." ね。


"How well did T(次男)Rode A Bike"  April 27, 2002  (8yr. 6mo.)

This is about last week. My brother T(次男) rode a bike. He was doing very well. He rode a bike for 7 minutes and 40 seconds. When we came back home, I told mommy about it. And mommy was very proud of T(次男). I told daddy too when they pick up us. Daddy was proud of him. I was proud of him too. Because T(次男) rode a bike for a long time. T(次男) is 6 years old. And he rode a bike for this age. That was the best part.

次男が自転車に上手に乗れるようになったのがそんなに嬉しいなんて、優しいお兄ちゃんだね!! タイトルの "did" はいらなかったね。


"The Camping"   May 12, 2002  (8yr. 6mo.)

I went camping in May 5th. It was fun. We didn't had a tent so we stayed in the rodgi (lodgeのこと). We went to the river and took pictures. We played with ateable (edibleのこと) bubbles. We had a bath in a campside (campsiteのこと). We slept on a loft. The next day, we ate hotdog, strawberrys and oranges. Some of the strawberrys and oranges were frozen.

日付の前は必ず "on" なのに未だに間違えるね。過去形の否定文や疑問文にもよく、もう1つおまけに過去形の動詞を使っちゃう。複数形の "-y" を "-ies" に変えるルールはまだ知らないようです。


"Japan"   May 18, 2002  (8yr. 6mo.)
The population of Japan is 130 million. and thte area of Japan is 150 thousand square miles, 380 thousand square killometers. It's a small contury but it's very popular. The density of Japan is 865 people per square miles. The biggest prefecture is Hokkaido. It is on the north. But the popular prefecture is Kyoto. In nara and Kyoto there are lots of tempos (templesのつもり) and shrines. There are the sea of Japan next to Japan. It's bigger than Japan. The area of the sea of Japan is 390 thousand square miles, 1 million square killometers. The deepest point is 12,276 feets, 3,742 meters.



"My Favorite Japanise Things" May 25, 2002  (8yr. 6mo.) 
I like something in Japan. I like Aichi. Because it Shapes like a kangaroo. I like to go to the park. Because it's fun playing in the park. But i like the asletic (athleticのこと) better. I like origami. Because it's too easy for me. I like curry rice. But I like hashed beef rice better. Because it's yummy.

先生に 10 sentences 以上と言われているので、"because" を繋げずに無理やり2つの文に分けちゃってるね。


"The Imaginary Story 2 - The Tall man And the Small man" June 1, 2002 (8yr. 7mo.) 
Once upon a time, there were the tall man and the small man. One day, they went to the cirkes (circusのこと). They saw a strong man first. They try to lift the one hundred (poundsが抜けてる). They tryed and tryed. But it was too heavy for them. Even the strong man couldn't lift it! Then they saw an acrobats. Then they pretended to be an acrobat. The acrobats were sprized (surprisedのこと). Then they saw an lion tamer. they tryed to be an lion tamer. If they did it, the lion bit the small man and the tall man. Then they ran outside. And went back home.

複数形で書いてたと思うと、突然単数になっていたり、複数なのに冠詞を付けていたり、わかりにくかった。既に起こったことなのに、よく "if" を付けて書くのは、会話でもよくあるからね。このお話は多分DWEから想像したんでしょうね。


"My School" June 8, 2002  (8yr. 6mo.) 
I go to ***** elementary school. We study 45 minutes for the first hour (classのことね). On Wednesday, I have six classies. I'm very sad because I can't see mommy until four' o,clock. But the other day, I have 5 classies. I'll be back about 3' o,clock. I'm in the 3rd gread so I have sience and social studys. We don't go to school on Saturday. It takes about 10 minutes to go to school.

"o'clock" のカンマをわかっていなかったのにちょっと驚いちゃった。でも水曜日はママに4時まで会えないと悲しんでくれるなんて、嬉しいな!!


"Japan Worning (Winningのことだそうだ) The World Cup"  June 22, 2002 (8yr. 6mo.) 
As you know Japan got 7 points and played soccer with turkey. It was 1to 0 and Japan lost. So Japan is in best 16. It played on June 18th. Turkey got 1 point in the 1st half 42 minutes. I wish Japan win. Turkey is quite strong. Turkey is in the 22nd. Japan in in the 32nd. They Turkey plays soccer with Senegal.



"About Japan" June 29, 2002  (8yr. 7mo.) 
In our town, people work in the restrunt. They makes food what people ordered. Some people work in the gas stations and conpanies. In the free time, people go shopping. Children study at home. For dinner they eat there favriout foods. We go to lessons at 8:30. We have 5 classies on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. 6 classies on Wednesday. We have lunch from 12:30 to 1:15.



"Animals" July 6, 2002 (8yr. 7mo.) 
My favriout animal is elephant. My least favriout animal is snake. Elephants are very big with there trunk. the elephant poor (pourのこと) water. Elephants can run with the speed of around 40 kilometers per hour. It runs little faster than the people thats the fastest. Snakes are very long. It can eat animals. It can open there mouth very wide. The big snakes can grow until 10 meters.


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